"A silver object found in a horde of Pictish artifacts unearthed on Ninian's Isle,
probably a part of a sword scabbard..."
rendered in pencil
March 1998

This is my first attempt at recreating Celtic artwork.  I personally have a facination with the Caledonian people referred to as Picts or "painted ones" by the Romans or as Maeatae in their own tongue.  Little has been known about this mysterious people other than that they were a wild and fierce folk that dwelt mainly in lowland Scotland at the time of the Roman invasion of Britain and that their government body was absorbed into what became known as Scotland with the crowning of Kenneth mac Alpin as the King of the Scots and the Picts in the mid ninth century.  Like the other Celtic races, the Picts did not have a written language, and only smatterings of their own tongue are recognizably preserved in Scots Gaelic.  Until recently, little was recognized as being of Pictish origin other than some relics, standing stones, and stone carvings.  Recent research has yielded far more information upon the Picts including the origin of the famous Irish Book of Kells as being of Pictish origin and carried into Ireland for safekeeping at some time following the fall of the Pictish kingdom to the combined weight of continuous incursions from the Danes, the Saxons, and the Scots.